There are a few methods you can use to add funds to your account(s) with us! Payments are taken from your linked bank account, so you’ll need a UK current account linked in order to deposit into your account(s). You can change this in Settings > Tap your name > Bank accounts > Linked account.
For information on how to change your payment settings, please see Can I change my payment settings? and for more on how our weekly payment timings work, please see How does the Moneybox collection cycle work?
Easy bank transfers
For most of our accounts (excluding Notice Accounts and our Reward Savings Account) you can add £100 or more within minutes using an easy bank transfer, and you do not need an active Direct Debit mandate for this.
Most major banks should be supported for easy bank transfers - you can find a list of supported banks here, on our website. If your bank isn’t listed, then unfortunately Plaid, our payments provider, does not support easy bank transfers from your bank.
To add funds via an easy bank transfer, head to Wealth > Select your account > Add money.
Please note that we do not issue account numbers or sort codes at Moneybox, as all of our payments are taken directly from the app. We're not currently able to accept payments made outside the Moneybox app. Any payments made outside the app will be returned to your bank account, typically within 24 hours.
If you're having trouble making an easy bank transfer, you can find some detailed troubleshooting steps which may help here.
Manual bank transfers
If you hold an ISA, LISA, Simple Saver or GIA, you can send payments of £100 or more directly from your linked bank account using manual bank transfers. To make a manual bank transfer, just head to Wealth > Select your account > More > Manual bank transfers to find the payment details for your product, then send funds via your banking app using these details.
Payments must come from the bank account you have linked to Moneybox - you can check and change your linked bank account in Settings > Tap your name > Bank accounts > Linked account.
If you hold multiple products which support manual bank transfers, please note each product has a different sort code and account number.
Once you’ve sent a payment, the funds typically arrive and are added to your balance within a few minutes, but can take up to 24 hours.
ISA/LISA transfer in
If you have an existing ISA or Lifetime ISA you'd like to transfer in to a Moneybox ISA or LISA, you can initiate a transfer in the app in Settings > Transfer in an existing ISA ✉️
Please note that the last opportunity to submit an ISA > Lifetime ISA transfer request for the 2024/25 tax year will be 28th February. After this point, ISA > Lifetime ISA transfers will be unavailable in the app until the new tax year begins.
Weekly collection cycle
All of our accounts can be paid into via our weekly collection cycle. Funds are added to your upcoming collection in the Home tab, and then this amount is collected weekly on Wednesday. On Monday, the payment leaves your bank account and is added to your balance by the end of the day.
To pay in via our weekly collection cycle, you’ll need an active Direct Debit in order for us to collect the funds.
Below is an outline of all the different methods you can use to add funds for our weekly collection 👇
💸 One-off deposit: you can add a one-off deposit which won’t recur using the 'edit' button in the home screen and entering an amount.
📅 Weekly deposit: this is a recurring weekly payment for a set amount, which can be set up/changed any time in Settings > Weekly deposit.
🚀 Payday boost: a monthly deposit which is automatically added to your weekly savings total on your preferred day. You can set up a payday boost in Settings > Payday Boost.
💰 Round ups: connect a bank account for round ups to view your transactions in the Moneybox app and round up the spare change. Round ups can be set up in Settings > Round ups.
Finally, if you hold a Stocks & Shares ISA, you can also set up a weekly investment into individual stocks! To set this up, head to Wealth > Stocks & Shares ISA > Add more funds or stocks > Stocks.