If you’re looking for an account number/reference to use for an ISA or LISA to another provider, we use your National Insurance number to identify your account for this purpose.
Or, if you’d like to pay into your Moneybox account by sending money directly from your linked bank account, and you hold an ISA, Lifetime ISA, or GIA, you can send payments of £100 or more using manual bank transfers. Just head to Wealth > Select your account > More > Account details to find the payment details for your product, then send money via your banking app using these details.
If you hold multiple products which support manual bank transfers, please note each product has a different sort code and account number.
Manual bank transfers are currently only available for some of our accounts, however, if you are an ISA, Junior ISA, General Investment Account, Personal Pension, Simple Saver or Lifetime ISA customer, you can still deposit straight away using an easy bank transfer, despite not having an account number! These are accessible through the Moneybox app, under Wealth > Tap your account > Add Money > Easy bank transfer 💸