If you’d like to transfer a Moneybox ISA, LISA, or Junior ISA out of Moneybox and to another provider, you’ll just need to contact your new ISA provider to get the transfer process started – they will send you their transfer in form and give you the steps you’ll need to follow.
If your new provider asks for an account number or reference, for our ISAs and Lifetime ISAs this would be your National Insurance number. For our Junior ISAs, this is the child’s name and date of birth.
All transfers are performed digitally and we are no longer processing posted transfer forms – to make sure your transfer reaches us, please request your new ISA, LISA or Junior ISA provider send their paperwork to transfersout@moneyboxapp.com.
Please note that if you are transferring out to another provider, it isn’t currently possible to transfer back to Moneybox once the transfer out is complete.